Saturday, October 5, 2019

Only when man is freed from sin does he truly feel joy!

- Fr. Dmitry, it seems to me that Christianity is the religion of tears and regret. Because we are constantly talking about sin, about pain. Tell me, am I right? If so, it is difficult for a man of our time to be a Christian. There is enough sadness in life without it. It seems to me that religion should be happy. To liberate, not to enslave. Answer this question that bothers me.
- Christianity is first and foremost a religion of joy! The only question is, how do we mean joy? If we mean earthly, the joy of drunkenness or adultery, Christianity does not need such joy. In these very situations, we must grieve and seek a way to get rid of drunkenness or slavery. Christianity is the religion of joy that one feels when freed from sin. Only when man is freed from sin does he truly feel joy!and then Christianity will no longer seem to us the religion of regret.
By Fr. Dmitry Sergeyevich Dudko (1922 - 2004)

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