Saturday, October 5, 2019

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Miracle of Elder Eumenios Saridakis (1931 - 1999)

A man told us the following miraculous event, which happened after Elder had fallen asleep [Father Eumenios Saridakis (1931-1999)].

As soon as we heard that my bride was expecting a baby, and although it was 10:30 pm Saturday night, we decided to go for a walk, even as far as the outside door of Father Eumenio's cell. As we approached, we saw light beneath the door and, as we went to knock, a girl, full of joy, opened up and said:
"Oh, he is waiting for you  and sent me to open for you. I never come in such hours, and especially on Saturday, because it is dark and deserted."
When we got in, the same girl turns around and asks us:
"What is the problem?"
"Well my wife is pregnant and we came to pray that everything goes well."

"You know," said the girl, addressing my wife, who cried out in tears "you'll have a problem, but our Elder will help you and everything will go well."
After we venerated his stole and his bed, we left. When we got out, my wife kept crying —  she had never met Father Eumenios in person — and I asked her why these sobs. She answered me:
"Because when we went in, he was sitting on the couch and, when I sat next to him, he told me, "You're going to have a boy, everything's going to be okay."

The pregnancy was going on, but, at some point, doctors told my wife that the fetus was hydrocephalus and suggested that they take it because months had passed and the problem, mental and kinetic, would exist in the newborn and would continue throughout his life and her own life would be destroyed. Note that we already had a healthy eighteen year old daughter. But she refused, because she had faith in Father Eumenios and what he had said that night.
She signed papers with the doctors on her decision to keep the hydrocephalus fetus and months passed. We were all in a state of anxiety and distress, with only the serenity that the conversation with the Elder gave her.
Indeed, when she went for the established ultrasound in the seventh month, a miracle happened! The fetus was normal with no trace of hydrocephalus. Not all doctors could believe it and they were talking about a miracle.
To this day, the child is in great health and is named Eumenius, for the sake of our Elder, to whom we owe his existence.

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