Thursday, January 2, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Miracle of St. Seraphim of Sarov

 I want to tell you what happened to me a few years ago. I live in Ukraine. My son was then about 8. We were divorced from my husband for a long time, he lives in another state and does not communicate with us. It so happened that I lost my job. The economic situation is difficult, there is little work. I go on interviews, according to announcements, but a month has passed, two months, nothing is heard for work. I realized that I was doing something wrong. I went to the temple. Once, two times ... Then I took my son with me and said:

"Let's go together to pray, because we have nothing to live on."

And all the time we approached the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. I have his icon at home. There he is depicted on a stone. This icon was presented to me by the mother of my friend in memory of her daughter. A friend died a year before these events. And so my son and I prayed, prayed from the heart, with tears we asked  St. Seraphim to help.

At night I had a dream that the Saint was standing on a stone and praying. He turns around, looks at me and says:
"They heard you. By prayer you will be given" and raises his stone. Easy like that. And hands it to me. And this is not a stone, but a loaf of warm bread. I took it. This ended the dream.

In the morning I got a call from a very large organization and was invited to work. With a great salary. I still remember how St. Seraphim helped us. And I  thank him. I want people to know about this story and know that help will definitely come.

Thanks for all!

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