Tuesday, February 11, 2020

From the devil I have a little experience too.

From the devil I have a little experience too. I remember a period, every night when I sat down to write, I felt the devil beside me and without wanting it I felt fear and shudder and could not write anything. Then I prayed warmly to the Lord:
'Lord what should I do? What is going to happen? Help me, help me! Get him out of here. ''
He left and I was completely relieved...
Once again, I had passed by a female monastery and had a discussion until the early morning with the nuns. Then they put me in a room to lie down. I just lay down next to the devil! Towering and hairy.
 I fought with him all night. There was hair in my hands and I didn't sleep until the morning. God sometimes allows for humility in some people, to have such experiences, to show that the devil is an entity.
Preacher Dimitrios Panagopoulos

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