Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Prodigal Son icon

The Prodigal Son Icon: The parable of the prodigal in iconography is usually found as frescoes on church walls, reminding the faithful of its lessons. Often, the main image shown is the embrace of father and son, cloaks billowing as the two fall upon the other’s neck in love (first image) Sometimes, however, the father in the parable is depicted as Jesus Christ Himself, as in the beautiful 16th century icon (seond image: To the right is the prodigal son despondent among the swine, whilst to the left he has returned to the father, shown unmistakably as Jesus Christ.
Above them is an empty throne surrounded by angels; a heavenly throne. It is empty because Jesus Christ our God descended from heaven and became man so that whilst we, as repentant sinners, were “still a great way off”, He could rush out to meet us. Knowing those of us who have come to our senses and risen up, Jesus Christ runs the greater distance to embrace us, clothe us, feed us, and bring us into the Father’s house. (Iconreader)

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