Monday, February 17, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: The Mother of God turned her face

The Mother of God turned her face away from those who break the fast on Wednesday and Friday.

Archimandrite Kronid told about himself: "Passing through Moscow to my home country one day, I stopped at my uncle's place, the assistant of the chief of the Nikolaev station. The life my uncle led was a secular one. He did not observe the fast either on Wednesday or Friday. Being in my uncle's family, I, sitting down at the table and knowing that this day is Wednesday or Friday, still ate milk or eggs. At that time, I usually wondered: "What kind of person am I, so that they would prepare food for me separately". That's why I ate everything they offered me. A year before my monastic tonsure, I once had a dream.  As if I were standing in some kind of temple. The temple is unusual, as if of heavenly beauty, and quite extensive. Behind the right cliros I see a large icon depicting the Mother of God and the Eternal Child in Her arms.The Mother of God was depicted in the stature of a man in a crown. Her iconic features resembled an image on the Chernigov icon of the Mother of God. Seeing the miraculous face of the Mother of God and being amazed by Her beauty, I bowed my sinful knees before the holy image and began to ask for Her mercy and intercession before the Lord. To my horror, I saw that the Mother of God was turning away Her Holy Face away from me. Then I cried out in fear and trembling: "Mother of God, Mother of God, with what have I offended You, that You turn Your divine face away from me, unworthy. And I hear Her answer: “By violation of fasting. On Wednesday and Friday you allow yourself to eat non fasting food and do not honor the sufferings of My Son. By this you insult Him and Me.” This is the end of the vision. But it was a lesson for my soul for the rest of my life.

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