Saturday, April 25, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: "St. John of Kronstadt and Communion"

In old biographies of St. John of Kronstadt the following case of an old woman's cure is mentioned, after she had received the Holy Communion.

"You should receive the Holy Communion, Father John recommended, and the Lord will cure you."
"I am too old to be cured, the sick woman said."
"It is not our job to know the time limit and the deadline of God," he replied.
"She received the Holy Communion in the past," her relatives added.
"The first Christians," the saint declared "received the Holy Communion every day and you do not want her to receive the Holy Communion now that she is in great need?"

The patient finally received the Holy Communion and very soon she was cured.


The miraculous cure of Princess Z.N. Yousoupova is also characteristic.She suffered from blood infection, after a premature delivery.

St. John of Kronstadt visited her, as she herself narrated, he sat on her bed and told her:

"If you are going to live or not, it is a matter of God. Anyway, you should prepare for a new life by receiving the Holy Communion."
"Father, I have been preparing to receive the Holy Communion before Pascha."
"Although Pascha is near," he insisted "you should not postpone. I am ready to bring the Holy Gifts immediately."

On his insistence she accepted. After she had received the Holy Communion with consciousness and joy, she slept for six hours. When she woke up, she was completely healthy!

Professor Botkin, who attended her, seeing such a change, remained silent for a long time. Two tears ran down his face. Then he whispered thoughfully:
"This cure is not a human achievement."

Miracles and Revelations from the Orthodox Divine Liturgy - Holy Monastery of Parakletos

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