Sunday, May 31, 2020

Monk Nicodemus

A very dear Elder on Mount Athos fell asleep. It was told how he left. On the day he died,  a well-known Hieromonk joined him. The elder was lying down. He began listing all the neighbors and the virtues he considered to have. "Tell them, my father, that I loved them all. Tell them." I'll tell them, Elder. "I'll be gone soon." "How do you know?" The Light! It is coming. "Where do you see it?" "It is coming, it is nearby, in Sarai ". After a while ... "He's coming, he's here! "What light is this, Elder?" " The Light! It enters you, my child. It warms you. But it also cools you down at the same time." After a while he leaned on the bed and dozed off. Very soon he left us for the next life, flooded with the Light he saw. The memory of Nicodemus the monk is eternal.

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