Saturday, May 30, 2020

Stories of Elders

An elder said:
"Whoever has humility humiliates the demons, and whoever does not have humility is ridiculed by the demons."

They asked an elder:
"Why are we so beaten by demons?"

"Because we are throwing our weapons down," he replied, "I mean honesty, humiliation, indigence and patience."

Once some people came to Thebes, to an elder, and brought him a demon-possessed man to heal him.

And the elder, (although at first he did not accept, considering himself unworthy, after all), because they begged him so much, says to the demon:

"Get out of the creature of God!"

"I'm leaving," replied the demon. "But I ask you one thing and answer me: Who are the "shepherds" and who are the "sheep" (Matt. 25: 31-33)?"

"I'm the 'deer,'" the elder replied. As for the "sheep", God knows them."

As soon as the demon heard (these words), he shouted:

"Yes, I'm coming out becuse of your humiliation!"

And it came out (from the man) at the same time.

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