Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Great Russian Elder of the 20th century Hieroschemonk Aristoles (1846-1918)

The elder of God, Hieroschemamonk Aristocles, was from Mount Athos. After living many years there, he was sent to Moscow to the conventual house of St. Panteleimon's Monastery, in Lubianka on Nicholsky Street. He always served at the Chapel of St. Panteleimon, where, through his prayers, wondrous miracles of healing were accomplished, especially for those who had the misfortune to be [demon] possessed. He also had the gift of insight.

Elder Aristocles especially loved the Mother of God and, no matter what he began to say, he always reduced his speech to Her. He had such an unusual, such tender and reverent love for the Mother of God that he could not speak about Her without special joy. And when he received the people, and in confession, he did not take his eyes off the face of the Mother of God, who was in front of him, as if asking Her about something.

"No need to weary oneself in order to weaken for spiritual activity, it is necessary that everything be proportionate.
And you need to get up at 3 o’clock or at half past three."

And ceaselessly call the Virgin - whether you go to work or whatever you do, say: “I put all my hope in Thee, Mother of God, keep me under Thy shelter.” Or like this: “Virgin Mary, do not despise me, requiring Your help and Your intercession " Or else, as you know how, just call Her. "

The elder forbade to work on holidays, saying: “Take the celebratory work and throw it in the stove. There will be no dispute to those who work on the holiday. ”

“Father,” someone once said, “they gave me a job, bless me to do it well.”
“Ah, child, my beloved,” he replied, “to spit on your work.” All this is temporary, you should strive for the Lord!"

Elder Aristocles did not like when spiritual children complained to him about something bad in their life, or were dissatisfied with something.
“It is necessary,” he said, “to thank God for all things! ” We are not worthy to receive what the Lord sends to us."

Father Aristocles of Moscow said that great tribulations, famines, and diseases await us, asking us not to lose faith and try to love each other.

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