Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hieromatyr Seraphim (Zvezdinsky)

If you are now asked, my friends, what the Divine Liturgy is, answer that it is the testament of our Savior.

In His words: "Do this in remembrance of Me" - he left us as if a testament to celebrate the Liturgy - to taste His Life-giving Body and Blood. Say that the Liturgy is a diamond, a wonderful gift from Christ. The Liturgy is a strengthening, refreshing river flowing from the rib of the crucified Jesus.

The Liturgy is a golden bridge over which alone one can come to eternal life. Those who love the Liturgy, this diamond is invaluable, this river that brings us life, remember this testament of Christ, walk this golden bridge that will save you from the abysses of hell.

Do not listen, beloved, to those people who run away from the Liturgy, run away from the cup. These are unfortunate, lost, wretched people.
They do not see the brilliance of a diamond, they choke with thirst far from the river of Christ, they fall into the abyss, avoiding the bridge.
Hieromartyr Seraphim (Zvezdinsky).

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