Monday, May 24, 2021

"As we said! First you and then I come too ".


My dear Father Antonius, Christ is Risen, Bless you,

 Gerontissa Galaktia flew to the heavens!

She moved to the Upper Jerusalem, was included in the choirs of the Holy Mothers of the Church!

I had my first information about our Gerontissa by a blessed circumstance, two years ago, in Arizona, America, from a pious Greek-Canadian lady, who comes from Crete. I confess that I was impressed and the desire to visit her was created.

 As soon as I returned to Greece, I started trying to locate her place of residence, which was eventually Pompeii of Messara. Since then I have visited it several times, sometimes only for 2-3 days and sometimes for a longer period of time.

What I will never forget, Father Anthony, and what struck me from the first moment, was the diffuse love and transparency, the purity of her soul that emerged through the bright - penetrating - prophetic eyes and the radiance of her face. That is why sitting next to her, even in silence, I always felt a strong spiritual intimacy, peace and rest.

I would like to refer to a remarkable event, in which my father was present and which sealed her holiness.

 So during one of my visits, I handed her a laminated photograph of then-living Elder Ephraim of Arizona.

She immediately began holding him tightly in her arms, to caress him with special attention and reverence.

 Because the charismatic Gerontissa realized my reasonable question, looking me in the eye with penetration, she told me that she knows the Elder, something she repeated other times. She obviously meant spiritually. In a little while, however, in a mysterious way, the photo began to smell with fragrance while at the same time the whole space became fragrant.

Also, on one of my next visits and before the repose of the blessed Elder Ephraim, when I again put the same photo in her blessed bony hands, addressing the blessed Elder, she said aloud:

" As we said! First you and then I come too ". That's exactly what happened.

What can one say other than to admire!

Great are the blessings and the various spiritual benefits I received from the revered Gerontissa. I am deeply grateful to her!

Now reposed, our beloved Gerontissa will be closer to us and will intercede for all of us and for our life problems but mainly for the salvation of our soul.

Finally, dear Fr. Antonius, allow me to express to you personally my heartfelt thanks and  deep gratitude for your warm hospitality and your discreet presence and many help during my visits.

From the bottom of my heart full of gratitude to our blessed Gerontissa, I humbly wish her good paradie and good resurrection. ''

Chrysanthi Themeli

University Professor

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