Monday, May 24, 2021

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Miracle of St. Seraphim

Dear Sisters! Allow me to report the healing I received after bathing in the spring of Father Seraphim. At the beginning of October 1991, I was in your monastery. On December 4, we confessed and received communion, and on the 5th we went to the spring. I had been suffering from inflammation of the left kidney for 25 years before the trip.

When exacerbated the pain was unbearable. I went there just in the period of exacerbation and decided not to take a bath out of mistrust. But at the last moment I ran out, bought a shirt and went for a swim. The pain was gone immediately and has not recured so far. I also prayed hard for my husband. He had little faith in God and hardly ever went to church. I asked Father Seraphim very much for him.

When I got home, friends came over and I started to tell them about the trip. My husband stared at the ceiling, as if he wasn't listening. I asked him why he wasn't listening, and he said he was thinking and wondered why he didn't go to church. Since then, he has gradually started fasting, reading spiritual literature and going to church. I'm sure it all happened through the prayers of Father Seraphim.

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