Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Miracle of St. George

I said today to tell you the double miracle of St. George to a friend of mine. 
But, he told me best to say only one of the two, as the other is pretty personal ... So, I'll just tell you the one thing:
This friend of mine is a man with many, many difficulties. He's been through a lot of difficulties and problems in his life: health, family, business ... But a few months ago he felt a severe pain in his throat. He went to the doctor and after a series of tests, the results came out: Cancer!
The physical pain was now getting worse, my friend had trouble talking enough.
He was mostly mentally exhausted
Because the problems he already had were many ...
It brought him down psychologically.
In vain, we, his close friends, were trying to comfort him..
His relationship with the church was typical.
But when he went, he liked to sit next to a fresco of St. George.
We took him one afternoon to his neighborhood church.
He sat on the chair and complained to the saint.
We discreetly left.
Then we took him for a while and we all returned to his home. After 2 days, I received a phone call. It was my friend. And he tells me:
"You won't believe it!"
"What happened?," I asked him.
"Last night I saw a dream so alive. As if it were true!"
"Tell me, then!" I said. He told it in awe.
"I saw myself sitting on my bed sad. I remembered all the problems I had and cancer and could not be comforted by anything. At some point I hear a horse riding.
I look up and see a young man in military clothes on a horse coming towards me.
Arriving at me, he looked at me seriously, almost sternly, and - without stopping his horse - when he got to where I was sitting, he made a move as if he was grabbing something and saying,
"This is mine."
And he continued galloping and soon disappeared."
"Are you sure it was real" I asked him. Because dreams are usually not real.
"Yes, he tells me. I woke up almost abruptly, because I felt a jerk and the horse as if it galloped past me. I felt, I tell you, the air from the horse's speed!"
"Hmm ... interesting" I tell him
Immediately we left his house and went into my car to take him to his doctor at the hospital. He tells his doctor:
"Doctor, let's take exams again."
"But why; There is no reason."
"No, I want to! I feel much better." He didn't tell him anything about the dream.
In fact, they did the exams. The doctor returned shocked with the results in his hands.
"This is unbelievable!"
"What do you mean doctor?"
" The cancer is gone! As if someone magically removed it! Incredible!"
Joys, tears of happiness, and hugs followed afterwards.
Saint George had done his miracle. Since that day, my friend has changed tremendously: he has a genuine love for everyone, he helps everyone, he prays, and all his troubles (that remain infinite) are not enough to take away his smile and hope that illuminates his face.
For me, the miracle was not just his cure. It was the complete transformation of his soul!
These were the facts. Thank you very much for allowing me to share them with you today!
Mount Athos


  1. ow! what a miracle!
    Glory to our Lord
    thank you for sharing

    Constantine Karatzogiannis


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