Saturday, May 30, 2020

St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

About the importance of reading : The Word of God is food for the soul and body. The duty of a Christian is every day - I will not go to bed if I do not read:

1. One chapter of the Gospel of Matthew;

2. Two chapters of the Epistles, beginning with the Acts of the Apostles and ending with Revelation of St. John the Theologian;

3. And although a few psalms from the Psalms. And so the whole New Testament will be gradually read , which is what is needed. How can one live the gospel without reading it? When we pray, we talk with God, and when we read the Gospel, the Lord talks with us, revealing His will how to live and be saved. So, make three bookmarks and read in a row, and read everything - start again, and so all your life.

St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

Image Skete of St. Basil the Great, Mt.Athos

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