Friday, May 29, 2020

St. Paisios the Athonite

If Christians do not confess their faith, if they do not react, such people will do even worse things. But if they react, then they'll think twice about it. But I suppose many Christians nowadays are not made for battles. The early Christians were tough nuts; they transformed the world. And during the Byzantine period, if even one icon was removed from the Churches, the people rose up in protest. Here Christ was crucified so that we may be resurrected and we remain indifferent! If the Church does not speak up so as to avoid a conflict with the State, if the metropolitans do not speak up in order to be on good terms with everybody - and especially with those who help them with the church foundations, if the monks of the Holy Mountain do not speak up for fear of losing their subsidies, who is going to speak up!

St. Paisios the Athonite

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